The latest slam to our bullies
A friend of mine, Lori Hilton Brizius, used to be the director of Laredo Animal Protective Society until five days ago. She was a...
Behavioral assessments in shelters
For a long time now, I have performed behavioral assessments for rescue groups and shelters to help them learn more about a dog’s...

The healing process of two very misunderstood dogs
September 28, 2010. Papa, the dog that brought out an emotion in me I have been successful in keeping at bay; came to us by way of the...

Still think "Pit Bulls" are dangerous?
Watch out, it’s a “Pit Bull”. I hear this so many times it makes me insane. This blog is for all the people out there that continue to...
Pit bull stop Texas?
As many of you know, there is a push to ban “pit bulls” in Texas. This is sparked by the latest child to be killed by a chained,...

What makes Papa different?
It is a heartless, cold and yet a scary reality that shelter staff and rescues experience every day- the unwanted, abused, forgotten dogs...

When will the human race change?
I received an urgent email from a shelter worker (and friend) today, about a special dog they have in their care. This dog they dubbed...
Oh the myths I hear about Staffies
With all the hype about how “bad” staffies are, I thought it was time to bring some facts to the public and have a bit of fun with them...
Pack behavior at its finest
A couple of days ago I received an urgent phone call from a Humane Society asking me if I could help them with a stray mom and her 3...
"Pit" bull is not a breed!!!!!
Everyone that knows me knows that I will voice my opinion. I am not concerned about being politically correct and I certainly welcome...