Submissive urination
Many dogs display their submission to a human or another dog by urinating upon greeting. This is normal behavior that dogs will do in a...

Can a bully breed be with other dogs?
So I was asked how I can have two bullies in my pack, especially with the small dogs. I felt I needed to share a picture with everyone....
"Pit" bulls and common owner mistakes
As many of you know, I am dedicated to educating people on how to stop aggression in dogs. I love my bull breeds and misunderstood dogs...

Controlled play with humans
Ok I have recently received more emails about how to teach a dog to control their play, that I thought I would put a video out there of...
Out of control to controlled play - How can I do this?
I frequently get calls about dogs that start out playing nicely then suddenly erupt into growling and biting. Many people think their...

Learning your dog's body language: Targeting
Targeting Many people misread their dog’s body language; I see it on a daily basis. I have clients that come to me because their dog is...
Please really think twice before using a prong collar!
OK I know I am beating this topic to death, but just this week I have had 4 cases of aggression that have developed after prong collar...

My dog rushes out the door when it opens!
Your doorbell rings, and of course you go to answer it; the race has begun! You try to get there before your dog so you can stop him from...
Pack mentality:Can it be seen in domestic dogs?
In the recent weeks, I have heard and read too many people saying domestic dogs do not possess the same “pack” mentality that wolves do....
The dog whisperer: the good, the bad,& should you practice it?
Dog Whisperer Fans, please read! On a daily basis, I hear from clients that they are big fans of the Dog Whisperer. While I am thankful...