Training by Tara, LLC

Success Stories
You're a life saver. No trainer (we've had 3 before!) has ever been able to get Kalev to walk on a leash without pulling and you did it in no time. I've noticed a huge change in how Nimitz handles situations that make him nervous and scared and it makes me feel sooooo much better about my ability to help the pups in all these scenarios. So, from the bottom of my heart, THANK YOU SO MUCH!! You're amazing and you've helped us so much.
Sergio, Lianne and Phoebe
We introduced the family schnauzer, Brewski, and puppy mix, Josee, individually with Phoebe in her crate. She stayed so calm, constantly checking in with Sergio. She even went in to a play bow when she saw Brewski - last time she wouldn't stop lunging at him! We took all three outside and kept them on a leash until they were relaxed. Off leash, Phoebe and Josee started playing right away! She totally respected Brewski as the leader and just let him have his space most of the weekend. She was a little dominant with Josee while playing at times, but responded immediately to correction. It was a dream watching her play and just chill with other dogs. We couldn't have done it without you, so - THANK YOU! We can't wait to sign up for intermediate obedience in the near future.
Hope all is well!
-Sergio, Lianne and Phoebe
Animal Shelter Volunteer
Thank you for setting up training with Tara. I don’t get impressed very often, but today put me over the hill. What a great session. I really appreciate your commitment to the animals and the volunteers. Not many municipal shelters would go to the lengths you do to make the best quality of life for all.
Jackie Carey, Animal Services Manager,Georgetown Animal Shelter
"The Working Mind program is the best tool we have ever used at this Animal shelter, and without question the quickest thing to work. I can't tell you enough how the dogs just "get it". Teaching them to work for their food, or to work to come out of the kennel is so easy - even my staff that was very negative are "now on board" and want another training session. My volunteers were so "over the top" impressed that they are now the trainers for anyone new volunteering at the shelter. Another amazing transformation with the program is how much quieter the shelter is when the dogs are working - not all the barking and jumping that there use to be. We had a dog at the shelter named Maya, and she had been at the shelter since April. In June we started our training sessions with Tara and the beginning of July Maya was adopted. The people chose her to adopt because as they put it - "she is so trained". This amazing program is good for the dogs and also good for the staff as well as the volunteers - everyone feels empowered and the dogs are quiet and calm!
Thank you so much to Training by Tara - certainly the very best money this shelter director has ever spent."
"holy holy cow!... and I just walked her this morning... she's gotten so much better with the kennel training... double wow! Finally, Daisy left for a new home today. Yea!!"
"I thought it was great. Working with the dogs in front of the kennels was amazing. Maximum distraction, ultimately focus and quiet. It certainly addresses a lot of issues that get lost in other environments.It really helps the pups put their best foot forward when it comes to potential adoptee’s. Now, we usually have to explain/apologize until we get them away from the kennel area. Think of Diamond not jumping."